Training Programs

Data-Driven Decision-Making

With the vast amount of data available within most organizations today, it is essential that leaders and managers use this data properly when making decisions. The proper use of data will result in better quality decisions for both departments and the organization.


This highly customized workshop examines the data available within an organization and looks at ways to use the data.


The workshop includes tailored case studies and activities that allow for practical application of the concepts covered.


Topics Covered:

  • Types of Leadership Thinking (Strategic, Critical, Creative)
  • Techniques for Analyzing Data
  • Potential Problems with Data
  • Problem Solving Strategies
  • Decision-Making Errors
  • Making Strategic Decisions
  • Coaching Your Staff to Use the Organization's Data



Varies Based on Client Need


Leaders and Managers


Group Discussions, Assessment, Lecturettes, Case Studies, Practical Application


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